vande ’ham śri guroh śri-yuta-pada-kamalam śri gurun vaishnavamsh ca
śri rupam sagrajatam saha-gana-raghunathanvitam tam sa-jivam
sadvaitam savadhutam parijana-sahitam krishna-chaitanya-devam
śri-radha-krishna-padan saha-gana-lalita-śri-vishakhanvitamsh ca
I offer pranamas to the lotus feet of Śri Gurudeva (who includes śri diksa-guru and
bhajana-shiksha-guru), guru-varga (our entire disciplic succession) and all other
Vaishnavas, to Śri Rupa Gosvami, his elder brother Śri Sanatana Gosvami, Śri Raghunatha
Dasa Gosvami, Jiva Gosvami and their associates, to Śri Advaita Prabhu, Śri Nityananda
Prabhu, Śri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His associates, and to the lotus feet of
Śri Radha and Krishna accompanied by Śri Lalita and Vishakha and all the other sakhis.
Śri Guru pranama
om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-shalakaya
caksur unmilitam yena tasmai śri gurave namah
O Gurudeva, you are so merciful. I offer my humble pranama to you and am praying
from the core of my heart that, with the torchlight of divine knowledge, you open my
eyes which have been blinded by the darkness of ignorance.
Śrila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami vandana
nama om vishnu-padaya radhikayai priyatmane
śri-śrimad-bhaktivedanta-narayana iti namine (1)
I offer pranama to om vishnupada Śri Śrimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja, who
is very dear to Śrimati Radhika.
śri-krishna-lila-kathane sudaksham audarya-madhurya-gunaish ca yuktam
varam varenyam purusham mahantam narayanam tvam shirasa namami (2)
Śrila Narayana Maharaja is expert in describing krishna-lila. He is endowed with the
qualities of magnanimity and sweetness, and he is the best of the great souls. Because
he is always relishing Krishna’s sweetness, he is able to freely distribute that sweetness
to others. I bow down and place my head at his lotus feet.
tridandinam bhakta-shiromanim ca śri-krishna-padabja-dhritaika-hridi
chaitanya-lilamrita-sara-saram narayanam tvam satatam prapadye (3)
Tridandi-sannyasi Śrila Narayana Maharaja, the crown-jewel of devotees, always
keeps in his heart the lotus feet of Radha and Krishna, especially when Krishna serves
Śrimati Radhika. He deeply meditates on Śri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and the internal
reasons for His descent. I bow down to the lotus feet of Śrila Narayana Maharaja, who
possesses innumerable transcendental qualities.
Śrila Bhaktivedanta Swami vandana
nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale
śrimate bhakti-vedanta-svamin iti namine
I offer pranama unto om vishnupada Śri Śrimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja, who
is very dear to Krishna, having taken shelter at His lotus feet.
namas te sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine
Our respectful obeisances unto you, O servant of Sarasvati Gosvami. You are kindly
preaching the message of Gaurasundara and delivering the Western countries which
are filled with impersonalism and voidism.
[If Śrila Prabhupada is your diksha guru, his pranama should be sung first.]
Śrila Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Gosvami pranama
nama om vishnu-padaya acarya-simha-rupine
śri-śrimad-bhakti-prajnana-keshava iti namine
atimartya-caritraya svaśritanam ca paline
jiva-duhkhe sadartaya śri-nama-prema-dayine
I offer pranamas unto the most worshipable lion-like acarya, jagad-guru om vishnupada
ashtottara-shata Śri Śrimad Bhakti Prajnana Keshava Gosvami Maharaja, who nurtures
with extreme, divine affection as a parental guardian those who take shelter of him,
who is always genuinely unhappy to see the suffering jivas who have turned away
from Krishna, and who is bestowing upon them śri nama along with prema.
gaurashraya-vigrahaya krishna-kamaika-carine
rupanuga-pravaraya vinodeti-svarupine
He is the manifestation of the receptacle of Mahaprabhu’s prema, the topmost preacher
of prema-bhakti in the line of Śrila Rupa Gosvami, and his name is Vinoda because he
is very skillful in giving pleasure (vinoda) to Vinodini Radhika and to Mahaprabhu.
Śrila Prabhupada vandana
nama om vishnu-padaya krishna-preshthaya bhutale
śrimate bhakti-siddhanta-sarasvatiti-namine
śri-varshabhanavi-devi-dayitaya kripabdhaye
krishna-sambandha-vijnana-dayine prabhave namah
I offer pranama unto om vishnupada Śri Śrimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami
Thakura Prabhupada, who is very dear to Krishna, who is most beloved to Śri
Varshabhanavi-devi Radhika, who is an ocean of mercy and who is kindly bestowing
realization (sambandha-vijnana) of our eternal relationship with Śri Radha and
śri-gaura-karuna-shakti-vigrahaya namo ’stu te
Again and again I offer obeisances unto Śrila Sarasvati Thakura, who is the mercy
incarnate of Śri Gauranga Mahaprabhu (who descended upon the earth to bestow
ujjvala-madhurya-rasa, full conjugal prema), and who is the embodiment of the line
of śri rupanuga-bhakti.
namas te gaura-vani-śri-murtaye dina-tarine
I offer obeisances unto Śrila Sarasvati Thakura, who is the embodiment of Śri Gauranga
Mahaprabhu’s teachings (vani). You deliver the fallen souls and you annihilate the
darkness arising from misconceptions (apasiddhanta) which are opposed (viruddha)
to the precepts enunciated by Śrila Rupa Gosvami.
Śrila Gaura-kishora vandana
namo gaura-kishoraya sakshad-vairagya murtaye
vipralambha-rasambhodhe! padambujaya te namah
I offer pranama unto the lotus feet of Śri Gaura-kishora, who is renunciation personified
and an ocean of vipralambha-rasa, always being absorbed in the mellow of divine
separation from Śri Radha and Krishna.
Śrila Bhaktivinoda vandana
namo bhaktivinodaya sac-cid-ananda-namine
gaura-shakti-svarupaya rupanuga-varaya te
I offer pranama unto Saccidananda Śri Bhaktivinoda Thakura, who is the foremost
of rupanugas and the embodiment (prakasha) of Śri Gauranga Mahaprabhu’s shakti,
Gadadhara Pandita.
Śrila Jagannatha vandana
gauravirbhava-bhumes tvam nirdeshta sajjana-priyah
vaishnava-sarvabhauma śri jagannathaya te namah
I offer pranama unto the topmost Vaishnava, Śri Jagannatha dasa Babaji Maharaja,
who verified the appearance place of Śri Gaurasundara and who is so dear to all saintly
Śri Vaishnava vandana
vancha-kalpa-tarubyash ca kripa-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanam pavanebhyo vaishnavebhyo namo namah
I offer pranamas unto the Vaishnavas, who are just like wish-fulfilling desire trees, who
are an ocean of mercy, and who deliver the fallen, conditioned souls.
Śriman Mahaprabhu vandana
namo maha-vadanyaya krishna-prema-pradaya te
krishnaya krishna-chaitanya-namne gaura-tvishe namah
I offer pranama unto Śri Krisna-Chaitanya, who is Śri Krishna Himself. Having assumed
the golden hue of Śrimati Radhika, He is munificently bestowing krishna-prema, the
rarest of all gifts.
Śri Krishna pranama
he krishna! karuna-sindho! dina-bandho! jagat-pate!
gopesha! gopika-kanta! radha-kanta! namo ’stu te
I offer my unlimited pranamas unto You, O Krishna! You are the ocean of mercy, friend
of the fallen, Lord of creation, and master of the cowherd community! You are Gopi-
kanta, beloved of the gopis, and above all You are Radha-kanta, the beloved of
Śrimati Radhika!
Śri Radha pranama
tapta-kancana-gaurangi! radhe! vrindavaneshvari!
vrishabhanu-sute! devi! pranamami hari-priye!
O Gaurangi, whose complexion is like molten gold! O Radhe! Queen of Vrindavana!
O daughter of Vrishabhanu Maharaja! O Devi! O dearmost of Hari! Pranamas unto You
again and again!
Śri Sambandhadhideva pranama
jayatam suratau pangor mama manda-mater gati
mat-sarvasva padambhojau radha-madana-mohanau
All glories to the all-merciful Śri Radha-Madana-mohana! Although I am lame,
foolish and devoid of intelligence, Your lotus feet are my refuge and my everything!
Śri Abhidheyadhideva pranama
preshthalibhih sevyamanau smarami
I meditate upon Śri Śri Radha-Govinda-deva, who are seated beneath a kalpa-vriksha
tree on an effulgent bejeweled simhasana in the supremely beautiful land of Vrindavana,
where They are always being served by Their beloved sakhis, headed by Lalita and
Śri Prayojanadhideva pranama
śriman rasa-rasarambhi vamshivata-tata-sthitah
karshan venu-svanair gopir gopinathah śriye ’stu nah
Śri Gopinatha, who originated the transcendental mellow of the rasa dance, always
stands beneath the Vamshi-vata tree, attracting all the kishori-gopis with the sound of
His flute, thereby showering me with auspiciousness.
Śri Tulasi pranama
vrindayai tulasi-devyai priyayai keshavasya ca
krishna-bhakti-prade devi! satyavatyai namo namah
I offer pranamas again and again to Tulasi-devi, who is most dear to Śri Krishna, and
who is also renowned as Vrinda-devi and Satyavati (the embodiment of pure truth).
O Devi, you are the bestower of krishna-bhakti!
Śri Panca-tattva pranama
panca-tattvatmakam krishnam bhakta-rupa-svarupakam
bhaktavataram bhaktakhyam namami bhakta-shaktikam
I offer pranama unto Śri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in His five features as bhaktar
upa (Mahaprabhu), bhakta-svarupa (Nityananda Prabhu), bhakta-avatara (Advaita
Acarya), bhakta (Śrivasa) and bhakta-shakti (Gadadhara Pandita).
Śri Panca-tattva mantra
śri krishna-chaitanya prabhu-nityananda
śri advaita gadadhara śrivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrinda
hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
Kanhaiya Lal dasa
Re: Kanhaiya Lal dasa
Czy da radę tłumaczenie mantr przetłumaczyć z angielskiego na polski? 

Najważniejsza jest Miłość. 

- Posty: 79
- Rejestracja: czw sie 07, 2008 11:46 am
Re: Kanhaiya Lal dasa
Da radę. Tłumaczenia będą tutaj: viewforum.php?f=73